Yankee Executive Board 2024 Elections

2024 Yankee Executive Board Elections - Results are In!

Total Position Opportunities in the Yankee Board.
President : 1 Position
Vice President : 1 Position
Treasurer : 1 Position
Secretary : 1 Position
At-Large : 5 Positions

Here are the descriptions of those positions (taken from our bylaws document):

The President shall be the chief officer of the Association, responsible for conducting all meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership, naming persons to the appointed positions below, appointing ad hoc committees, and coordinating the activities of the other members of the Board as necessary.

The Vice-President shall assume the responsibilities of the President in the event of the President's absence, resignation, or incapacity, and shall be responsible for other functions as assigned by the President.

The Secretary shall be responsible for taking, distributing and maintaining the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership, for handling any necessary correspondence for the Association and for maintaining and updating these Bylaws and the Rules and Policies of the Association.

The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Association and shall submit regular written financial reports to the Executive Board.

At-Large Representatives:
There shall be five (5) At-Large Representatives, who shall have no assigned responsibilities other than to attend Executive Board meetings and provide additional representation for the General Membership, but may take on Appointed Positions or other functions as assigned by the President.

Spring 2024 Election Results


President: Jeffry Powell
Vice President: Judy Katalina
Treasurer: Mark Archibald
Secretary: Geoff Tasca
At-Large Representatives

  • Amy Grigg
  • Miriam Moodley
  • John Kubilis
  • Nick Mone
  • Steve Simmons


By-law Changes voted on by the Yankee Membership

There were (2) By-law changes up for membership vote this year; both have passed and our By-Laws have been updated

Bylaw Change #1 - Elected Positions

Newly Passed Update:

Section 2: Elected Positions

  • Elected positions are filled by vote of the membership. Elections will occur annually with ⅓ of the board members up for re-election every 3 years beginning in the 2025 election.
  • Beginning in 2025 the Treasurer and 2 lowest vote count At Large members from the 2024 election will be up for re-election for a term of 3 years.
  • Beginning in 2026 the Vice President and the two At Large members with the 3rd and 4th most votes in the 2024 election will be up for re-election with terms of 3 years. 
  • Beginning in 2027 the President, Secretary, and At Large member with the most votes in the 2024 election will be up for re-election with terms of 3 years.   

The term of all elected positions is three years commencing on July 1st and terminating on June 30th (with the exceptions that for the 2024 election the Treasurer and two At Large Members with the lowest numbers of votes will serve only one year and the Vice President and two At Large Members with the 3rd and 4th most votes will serve two years. These exceptions are included in order to facilitate the change from biannual elections of the entire board to annual elections 3 board members each year).

Each elected position carries with it voting privileges (one vote) at meetings of the Executive Board. No individual shall hold more than one elected position with the exception of an individual being temporarily appointed to hold a second elected position in an "acting" capacity; that person shall not have a second vote on the Executive Board.


Description of the change:

Instead of having the entire Executive Board up for election every two years, the terms will be staggered with 3 board members up for re-election every year for terms of 3 years each.

  • Group 1: President, Secretary, 1 At Large Member
  • Group 2: Vice President, 2 At Large Members
  • Group 3: Treasurer, 2 At Large Members

Since this bylaw change is approved, 3 board positions elected in 2024 will be up for re-election in 2025, 3 will be up for re-election in 2026, and 3 will be up for re-election in 2027.. After 2024 all board members will be elected for 3 year terms.

If a current board member decides to run for another position before the end of their term this situation is already covered by the current by-laws–if they are elected to a different position the board fills their now vacant position with a qualified person to fulfill the remainder of their term. Members are also already allowed to run for multiple positions in the same election and will assume the highest level role for which they are elected.

Bylaw Change #2 - Board Position Qualifications

Newly Passed Update:

President: The President shall be the chief officer of the Association, responsible for conducting all meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership, naming persons to the appointed positions below, appointing ad hoc committees, and coordinating the activities of the other members of the Board as necessary. To run for President of the Yankee Executive Board a member must have served on the Yankee Executive Board for a minimum of one full term.

Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assume the responsibilities of the President in the event of the President's absence, resignation, or incapacity, and shall be responsible for other functions as assigned by the President. To run for Vice President of the Yankee Executive Board a member must have served on the Yankee Executive Board for a minimum of one full term.

Description of the change:

This by-law change adds a requirement of prior board experience and participation to run for President or Vice President of the board.