Yankee By Laws

Yankee Volleyball Association Bylaws


Approved by the General Membership on June 15, 2024

Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Yankee Volleyball Association.
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of the Yankee Volleyball Association is to promote volleyball in New England for individuals and teams, and to foster the growth of volleyball by competition, training, and education
Article III: Mailing Address
The mailing address of the Association shall be that of the current Registrar of the Association.
Article IV: Membership
Section 1: Membership in Yankee Volleyball Association shall be open to any player, coach, official, or individual interested in following or promoting volleyball in New England.
Section 2: The membership year shall run from September 1 to August 31, to coincide with the USA Volleyball (USAV) membership year. All memberships shall expire on August 31, regardless of when during the year the individual joins.
Section 3: Annual membership fees shall be established by the NERVA Board.
Section 4: Members are entitled to participate in tournaments (as per guidelines for each tournament) and other activities of the Association; vote in elections and at membership meetings; and to hold elected or appointed positions.
Section 5: Members may be suspended or fined for violations of the code of conduct, serious violations of the rules, or other disciplinary problems, as voted by the Executive Board. Suspended members are not eligible to participate in Yankee tournaments in any capacity. Fined members may not participate in Yankee tournaments until the fine has been paid. Members under suspension by NERVA/USAV will not be eligible to participate in Yankee tournaments in any capacity.
Article V: Executive Board
Section 1: Governing Body The governing and administrative body of the Yankee Volleyball Association shall be the Executive Board, consisting of the Elected Positions and Appointed Positions listed below. The Executive Board shall be responsible for conducting the business of the Association including but not limited to:

1) Voting on changes in the Rules and Policies of the Association;
2) Approving the annual budget and proposed expenditures;
3) Making decisions regarding any disciplinary problems that are brought up because of actions at a Yankee tournament or in the conduct of Association-related business;
4) Creating appointed positions and standing committees as necessary.
Section 2: Elected Positions

Elected positions are filled by vote of the membership. Elections will occur annually with ⅓ of the board members up for re-election every 3 years beginning in the 2025 election.

Beginning in 2025 the Treasurer and 2 lowest vote count At Large members from the 2024 election will be up for re-election for a term of 3 years.

Beginning in 2026 the Vice President and the two At Large members with the 2nd and 3rd most votes in the 2024 election will be up for re-election with terms of 3 years. 

Beginning in 2027 the President, Secretary, and At Large member with the most votes in the 2024 election will be up for re-election with terms of 3 years.   

The term of all elected positions is three years commencing on July 1st and terminating on June 30th (with the exceptions that for the 2024 election the Treasurer and two At Large Members with the lowest numbers of votes will serve only one year and the Vice President and two At Large Members with the 3rd and 4th most votes will serve two years.  These exceptions are included in order to facilitate the change from biannual elections of the entire board to annual elections 3 board members each year).

Each elected position carries with it voting privileges (one vote) at meetings of the Executive Board. No individual shall hold more than one elected position with the exception of an individual being temporarily appointed to hold a second elected position in an "acting" capacity; that person shall not have a second vote on the Executive Board.

Elected members of the Executive Board may be removed only by a 2/3 majority vote of the other elected members. Reason for removal could include consistent non-attendance at meetings, dereliction of duty or gross misconduct.

Any open position on the Executive Board shall be filled for the remainder of the term by a majority vote of the remaining members of the board.

President: The President shall be the chief officer of the Association, responsible for conducting all meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership, naming persons to the appointed positions below, appointing ad hoc committees, and coordinating the activities of the other members of the Board as necessary. To run for President of the Yankee Executive Board a member must have served on the Yankee Executive Board for a minimum of one full term.

Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assume the responsibilities of the President in the event of the President's absence, resignation, or incapacity, and shall be responsible for other functions as assigned by the President.  To run for Vice President of the Yankee Executive Board a member must have served on the Yankee Executive Board for a minimum of one full term.

Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for taking, distributing and maintaining the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership, for handling any necessary correspondence for the Association and for maintaining and updating these Bylaws and the Rules and Policies of the Association.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Association and shall submit regular written financial reports to the Executive Board.

At-Large Representatives: There shall be five (5) At-Large Representatives, who shall have no assigned responsibilities other than to attend Executive Board meetings and provide additional representation for the General Membership, but may take on Appointed Positions or other functions as assigned by the President.
Section 3: Appointed Positions
With the approval of the Executive Board, the President shall assign individuals to the appointed positions listed below and to any further appointed positions created by the Executive Board as it deems necessary. These positions in themselves do not carry voting privileges at Executive Board meetings, but they may be filled by elected board members. Individuals may hold more than one appointed position. Persons holding appointed positions shall report to the president and submit periodic reports at meetings of the Executive Board as directed by the president.

For each appointed position, the Executive Board may establish minimal compensation levels as listed in the Schedule of Fees Addendum to this document.

Ratings Chairperson: The Ratings Chairperson shall coordinate the assigning of ratings of all members, including appointing individuals and/or committees to evaluate players and shall coordinate with the Registrar to maintain the list of assigned ratings and handle any correspondence necessary.

Tournament Coordinator: The Tournament Coordinator shall be responsible for sanctioning and scheduling all Yankee tournaments excluding the Yankee year-end Qualifying Tournaments and Championships.

Championship Tournament Coordinator: The Championship Tournament Coordinator shall be responsible for planning and coordinating the Yankee year-end Qualifying Tournaments and Championships.

Media Coordinator: The Media Coordinator shall be responsible for compiling and directing the periodic electronic distribution of the Association's news and announcements. The format of this distribution may be by way of electronic mail, the Association's web page, or other forms of social media.

Web Page Editor: The Web Page Editor shall be responsible for compiling and directing the publishing of the Association's Web Page on the Internet.
Article VI: Executive Board Elections
Section 1: Nominations

Nominations for the Elected Positions on the Executive Board shall be made by one of the following procedures:

1) A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board to attempt to nominate at least one person for each Elected Position;
2) By written petition of at least ten members of the Association;
3) By open nomination from the floor at any meeting of the Executive Board after January 1st in an election year.

Section 2: Voting
The voting for Elected Positions shall be conducted as soon after the Annual Meeting as practical following these procedures:

1) The Executive Board shall appoint an Election Committee of three (3) persons, none of whom are running for office, to supervise the distribution, collection and counting of ballots;
2) Ballots shall be published on the Yankee Volleyball Association's Web Page and notification of the ballot shall made to the General Membership via electronic media at least two weeks prior to the close of the election. Ballots may be returned via email or through the Web Page. Each member may send in only one ballot per election. The Election Committee will validate each ballot via anonymous and unique identifiers.
3) Candidates for positions, which are contested, shall be entitled to include a brief statement with the ballots;
4) Only candidates nominated under the procedures of Section 1 will appear on the ballot and be eligible for election.
5) In the event of a tie in voting for an elected position, the tie will be broken by a majority vote of the newly elected Executive Board members. If this majority vote is also tied, the newly elected President of the Executive Board shall cast a tie-breaking vote. In the event that the President is unable to cast the tie-breaking vote, that authority will be given to the next available newly elected member of the Executive Board in this order of precedence: Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the At-Large Representatives by the order of seniority of service in the At-Large Representative positions. If determination of the most senior At-Large Representative is deemed impossible, a random drawing will be employed to award the tie-breaking vote.
6) If a candidate runs for multiple elected positions on the Executive Board, they will be allowed to fill only one position. The winner of each contested race will be decided in the following precedence: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and At-Large Representative. Once a candidate is declared a winner for an elected position, they will be removed from consideration for any other elected position.
7) Any other procedures necessary shall be determined by the Election Committee.
Article VII: Executive Board Meetings
Section 1: The Executive Board shall meet as necessary to handle the business of the Association, but not less than four times per year. For voting purposes, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the Executive Board. If members of the board are absent from a vote or otherwise abstain, any vote by the board will not be finalized for five business days if the un-cast votes might cause the original vote to be overturned. Abstaining or absent members of the board shall present their vote to all other members of the board using a form of communication as agreed to by the board. After five days any un-cast votes will be considered abstentions.

Section 2: Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be publicized and shall be open to all members of the Association to raise issues for the Board to consider, present reports, or to observe. Special meetings of the Board to handle specific issues, including but not confined to electronic meetings, may be held without written notice to the membership, as long as the meeting is agreed to by the voting members of the Executive Board. Minutes from these special meetings shall be captured and included within the minutes at the next regular meeting.
Article VIII: Membership Meetings
There shall be at least one meeting of the general Membership of the Association each year, at a time established by the Executive Board. A minimum of two weeks notice of this meeting, including the proposed agenda, shall be sent electronically to all Members. A quorum shall consist of whatever number of members is present. At Meetings, members may propose and vote on recommended changes in the rules and policies, propose amendments to the bylaws and nominate candidates for the Executive Board.
Article IX: Finances
Section 1: The Association shall operate on a fiscal year of September 1 through August 31.

Section 2: The President shall submit a proposed budget, which must be approved by the Executive Board at its first or second regular meeting of the year. All specific expenditures must be approved by a separate vote of the Board.

Section 3: A year-end financial statement, including an Income Statement and a Balance Sheet, shall be available upon request to any member of the General Membership upon request of the Treasurer.
Article X: Competition
Competition at Yankee tournaments shall be governed by the rules of the USAV, except as modified under the current Yankee Volleyball Association Rules and Policies as approved by the Executive Board.

The Rules and Policies may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Board, with a quorum present. Members may propose changes by submitting them to a member of the Executive Board. (All board members will be listed on the Web Page.)
Article XI: Amendments
Section 1: These bylaws may be amended only by a majority vote of all returned ballots distributed to all Members. If possible, this ballot shall be included with the annual election ballot. Amendments may be proposed by:
1) Majority vote of the Executive Board;
2) Majority vote at the Annual Meeting of the Membership;
3) Petition by 100 Members, validated by the Executive Board;

Section 2: A bylaw change when placed on the ballot will contain the following information:
1) The current section of the bylaws that will be changed.
2) The same section of the bylaws with the proposed change incorporated.
3) A brief description of the change and if pertinent, the reasoning behind the change.
4) A brief statement explaining why a voter would want to support the change.
5) A brief counter statement explaining why a voter might not want to support the change.